16 May 2024
Excellence and Respect - The school community works together towards the provision and expectation that every student will reach their potential and become valued members of society.
Key Dates | |
Term 2 2024 | |
24 May | Assembly (6.3/6.4) |
14 June | Assembly (3.3/3.2) |
25 June | School Photos |
26 June | School Photos |
Term 3 2024 | |
16 July (Tuesday) | First day back |
2 August | Assembly (2.4/2.5) |
23 August | Assembly (6.1/6.2) |
13 September | Assembly (4.1/4.4) |
20 September | LAST DAY OF TERM |
Term 4 2024 | |
8 October (Tuesday) | First day back |
25 October | Assembly (3.1/3.4) |
15 November | Assembly (2.2/2.3) |
6 December | Year 6 Graduation |
11 December | School Board Assembly (Prefects) |
12 December | LAST DAY OF TERM |
Principal’s Report
Mother Day Breakfast

Thankyou to all of you who attended our breakfast last week. It was wonderful to see so many of you there and for the students to enjoy having you at school with them. We see the breakfast as an opportunity to build on the partnership, we share with you, in your child’s education and wellbeing.
There were many generous and kind donations made by the public to make the morning a success and to provide the vast number of raffle prizes that so many mothers were able to enjoy. Below is a list of donators. Thankyou to the following
- The Hon Michelle Roberts MLA - $200
- Bunnings -2x $50 vouchers
- Stratton IGA - $100
- Swan View IGA – numerous groceries
- Woollies Midvale – numerous groceries
- Morrison Compounding Pharmacy – raffle
- Re Vamp Hair and Spa – Stratton – voucher
- Swan View Domino’s Pizza -$50 voucher
- Sandra Hayes – Raffle
- Rainy Day Gifts – box and gift card
- Therese Madaffari – towel set and pot glove
- Claire Metcalfe – Scentsy Consultant – Scentsy was, cream and scent
- Bella Baking – raffle – cake
- Perth Forever Bouquets Gifts – Tiffany Schmid – bouquet
- Hawaiian – 3 x $50.00 vouchers – community partnerships
And then of course there was the extra time and effort that when into planning and preparation by staff. The ladies on the breakfast working party were awesome and organised the large number of donations and sponsorship willingly and effectively, in their own time. And then of course to get staff at school by 6.00 o’clock in the morning to prepare the food is inspirational. Thankyou.
Facebook Page
We have reviewed the school face book page to make it more private and secure. Don’t forget to follow the link below and answer the three questions to access the new page.
Interschool Athletics
Congratulations to the wonderful performance by our competitors at last week’s carnival.
More than anything, their behaviour and sportsmanship was outstanding and really demonstrated our motto of Excellence and Respect. We are so proud of you all.

Unwell Children
Thank you, parents and carers, for keeping your children at home when they exhibit symptoms or for being quick to pick them up when we ring. I remember feeling unwell in primary school and it was such a relief when my mum picked me up and I didn’t have to keep trying to be brave.
Often children seem fine in the morning and then quickly succumb. In such situations we know how awkward it can be when you are already at work. Making sure there are other people you can organise to pick up your child is vital. Please remember that if your child has any symptom don’t send them to school. That way they will recover more quickly, and others don’t get sick as well. This includes staff too.
Although the winter weather has not hit us yet there has been a wave of illness across the school. COVID, flu and gastro have been making their presence known in every class. The current lack of relief teachers means that when a teacher is sick, we are forced to shut down a class and spread students out to other classes which interrupts learning programs.
Kind regards
Frances Coventry
March 2024
Parent Information
Topic Suggestions: Workshops with Speech Therapist & School Psychologist
Our school speech pathologist and school psychologist are planning to run some interactive discussion groups or information sessions to support families over the coming terms. These sessions will be aimed at providing information and strategies to assist you in supporting your child. They would like your input to tailor the sessions to suit our school community. if you are interested you can provide feedback through this survey:
Interschool Athletics Carnival
Last week a group of year 1-6 students competed in the Interschool Athletics Carnival. It was a very special two days in which we placed second place overall as a school. We fell behind first place by a mere 14 points which was incredibly close! This is our highest placement in several years. Students should be very proud as are we, all of their efforts for our school. It was also a tremendous result individually as we received champion boy awards for years 3 and 6. Also runner up champion in year 6. A fantastic achievement.
Liam Moore was awarded year 3 champion boy.
Malakai Clinch awarded year 6 runner up boy.
Kearne Lewis was awarded year 6 champion boy.
Students put in the hard work in training, participated well showing good sportsmanship and valour. I couldn’t be prouder. Looking forward to what we can achieve as a school at our upcoming carnivals. Bring on Interschool Cross Country!
Cygnets 3-year-old programme
Cygnets is our program for 3-year-olds who will be starting Kindy in 2024. On Thursday mornings we have lots of fun in the Hub from 8:40-10:30. We have a story and learn a new song each week. Recently we learnt 'Wheels on the Bus' and read 'Duck in a Truck.' We made egg carton buses, did some painting and other activities. There is still room for more enrolments if your child is coming to Kindy next year. Mrs Bedells

Kindy – Year 2 Farm Incursion
In Week 3 our Kindy to Year 2 students were lucky enough to attend a Farm Incursion through Old Macdonald’s Travelling Farm (WA East).
First, we were greeted by Farmer Chris and his sheep dog, ‘Oi’! Farmer Chris spoke to us about some of the animals that live on his farm and what we use them for. Then we got to go into the ‘farmyard’ and interact with the animals. There were goats, sheep, chickens a goose and even a rabbit.
Students really enjoyed being able to pat and feed each animal as they listened to Farmer Chris talk about life on the farm.
At the end of the incursion, Farmer Chris showed us how to crack a stock whip! It was SO loud!
We had a great time at the farm.

Saver Plus – helping take the stress out of back-to-school time
The Saver Plus community program has helped over 55,000 Australians take the stress out of back-to-school time. It’s free for eligible people to join.
At Saver Plus, we pair you with a savings coach while you budget and save over the next 10 months. You attend online workshops to learn tips, tricks and information to grow your budgeting and savings skills. Once you reach your agreed savings goal, ANZ matches your savings dollar-for-dollar
Swan View Senior High School – Open Night